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Dental Services

Summerfield Construction is an integrated medical/Dental design and construction team based in the Ontario region. We take outstanding achievement in our work and are confident we can meet your specific medical design needs. With our in-house team of design, construction and construction experts, we have the best in the medical / Dental construction industry. We strive to provide cost-effectiveness and service.

Authorized and reputable contractors should only perform medical work. Whether it’s a minor medical building or a plaza, a hospital or a Dental clinic, the position requires a contractor who understands local building codes, and the government requires that the building be built on medical construction projects. Must instruct the inclusion of materials and equipment. Summerfield Construction General Contractors has extended years of experience creating some of the busiest medical buildings and offices serving communities throughout Ontario.

At Summerfield Construction, our Ontario-based team of medical design professionals takes great pride in their work, industry experience, and proven results, helping business owners to Help to open medical and dental clinics/facilities. Summerfield Construction covers medical construction projects from top to bottom, from the main waiting room and reception to the observation room and beyond, leaving a lasting impression on their clients for years to come.[/woodmart_text_block][vc_column_text woodmart_inline=”no” text_larger=”no”]

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